Good morning all...
I normally do not post my sermons on my blog. As well, this is an expansion on the previous blog entry "These Are the Times that Try Men's Souls."
In the years that I have been privileged
to be your rabbi, I have assiduously avoided writing specifically as an
American. I am American. You know this. At the same time, to speak specifically from
that viewpoint all the time would put a barrier between us. We do not want that.
This week, please bear with me as I
speak from south of the 49th.
A couple of people have offered me
condolences due to the horrific events in Boston. Perhaps, as an American, I feel those events
differently from the rest of you. Thank
you for your concern.
Rav Jen went to university outside
Boston. We have been there several times
together. We both love the city. An undisturbed hour, a good book, and a
thermos of coffee under a willow tree in the Public Garden may be as close to
Heaven as it is possible to come on this continent.
Still, I want to offer my condolences as
well to all of you. After the attacks of
September 11th, after the attacks in Bali, in Madrid, in London, and in Mumbai,
and all of the failed attacks about which we never hear, I want to offer my
condolences to you. Every one of us is a
potential soft target. Every home, every
synagogue, every office, every event at the ACC, and every subway car...each is
impossible to secure. Organizers of this
summer's races here in Toronto, as well as marathons in London, are looking at
their security procedures. We have all
been attacked. Looking both ways before
crossing the street is no longer just about oncoming traffic. I offer my condolences to you in that if we
thought it possible to walk blissfully through the chaos, we can cast that
belief aside now, permanently. Our
innocence is again shattered.
It is inappropriate to offer condolences
without providing comfort. So I offer
words of comfort. People ran towards
those who needed help. First responders
were there, and knew exactly what to do.
Bostonians offered food, shelter, clothing, and a phone to complete
strangers. People tore their own
clothing to make tourniquets. Marathon
runners finished their races, deliberately, and then rushed to donate blood. Beyond the city limits, the New York Yankees
played the theme song of the Red Sox in Yankee Stadium. One tweet went to "anybody in Boston who
is hosting people with nowhere to go...Sloshworks in Perth would love to buy
you all pizza." Similar offers
came from all around the world.
Restaurants opened their doors to anyone who needed the company of other
people. Mr. Rogers tells us to
"look for the helpers." They
were everywhere, in every form.
Two people destroyed a wonderful day in
a wonderful city. Hundreds of people, a
town, and a world stood up and said no.
They said that our humanity is profoundly more than thugs can ever
destroy. Comedian Patton Oswalt wrote on
his facebook page a simple statement: "The good outnumber you." And we do.
There are all sorts of questions about
how it is that our two parshiyot are connected to each other, such that they
merit being a double when we have to double parshiyot. Other double parshiyot have clear thematic
connections. This week, it seems less
clear. I would like to suggest a
connection. Ahrei Mot Kedoshim tihyu -
After death, you shall be holy. When
death occurs, we should behave in a way that is holy. We should respond with compassion. We should respond with caring. All of those throughout the world who have
responded to this have done so. Death
occurred, and people were holy.
There are other verses to the song
"America the Beautiful." The
lyrics of the last stanza are as follows: "o' beautiful for patriot dream
that sees beyond the years, thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human
tears." We have seen the shining
acts of humanity that make Boston gleam undimmed, despite the very real human
tears. Those shining acts make every
city gleam. Look for them. They are there. Do them.
Make your own cities gleam. That
is the holy response to what happened in Boston.
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