Top of the evening all...
I had to get home today from the karate studio. That is roughly eight kilometres. It was rush hour. It is a touch ironic that the slowest traffic times are called 'rush hour.' Luckily, I had my bicycle. I found a phone booth (no small feat), changed into my cape, and took off.
It was mostly a lovely ride. I ended up behind a bus that kept stopping at all of the bus stops. Imagine that. I finally got sick of it. Bathurst St was getting too crowded, and the cars were too close to the curb for me to get around them. I left Bathurst St.
After traveling up the side roads for as far as I could, I ended up directly behind that same bus. Finally, I was able to get around it at Sheppard.
After that, it was mostly clear sailing. My friends, I beat the bus getting home. This is not a statement of any physical prowess on my part. Rather, it is a statement of the deplorable driving conditions in Toronto.
The more I drive here, the more I like my bicycle.
It is bedtime.
On my usual 25 minute drive home from York U campus to Vaughan last night it took me 20 minutes just to get from my parking lot to the York U bus way which should only take at the most 2 minutes. The special traffic light for the buses to make their turn wasn't working properly so that only one or two cars could get through at a time. The traffic was backed up almost the entire stretch of the campus road. Once I got off campus it only took 15 minutes to get home. Getting anywhere in this city is no picnic no matter if you are in a car, on a bus or on a bicycle. At least you made it home safely.