Good evening everyone...
Last week was a week of bizarre repairs. The oven went. The microwave went. The wire on the coffee urn started arcing and sparking.
It could have been worse. I am not certain, but I think that the oven is older than the kids. I was really worried that there would be no parts available to replace a broken piece. I had great fears of "it is a $10 part, but no one has made it for 10 years. You have to replace the oven." It was a $10 part, but it was just a wire. The oven works again.
I am not sure what happened with the microwave. The only thing I know is that RCA is willing to replace the parts for free, as it is still under warranty. I have to ship it to them, pay to ship it back, and tack on a few extra dollars for the return shipping so that they could insure it. I have to pay labour. After all that money, it is easier to replace the microwave. Conveniently, a friend is getting rid of a microwave, so this could work out for the best. By the way, do not buy an RCA microwave. This microwave was new. A microwave should last more than four months.
The wire on the coffee urn went. The urn would only work if the wire came in at a certain angle. Then it started arcing and sparking. As luck would have it, we were able to replace the cord at a fraction of the cost of a new urn.
And last, my brother gave us an old Mac mini. It had a wired keyboard. The wire was only three feet long. We hooked the computer up to the downstairs TV. Still, it was a pain to use. Staples had an extension cord on their website. After two futile attempts to get to Staples, I got there...and bought the wrong cord. It turns out that the cord I wanted was only available on line. The shipping was 67% more than the cord. I found the right cord at a computer shop on Yonge, and returned the wrong cord to Staples. I can now sit on the couch in the den if I need another computer.
I humbly do not apologize to the Moody Blues for the egregious misuse and abuse of the title of one of their albums as title of this blog entry.
Good night.
On your list of products not to buy....a Black & Decker toaster oven. Mom had one in her kitchen and after using it for the first time it started a fire in her kitchen. It burned the counter, the curtains and almost the entire kitchen. The fireman told my parents that Black & Decker is not known for safe products anymore. I'll say.