Friday, September 11, 2020

How Nobel in Reason...

 Good afternoon to all.

It is Friday afternoon.  Candle-lighting is in less than four hours.  The hallah is not baked.  I have two sermons to write for Rosh Hashanah, as well as a little bit of music to learn.  Naturally, I am writing a blog entry.

Nominations for the Nobel Prize close on January 31st.  Winners are announced in October.  President Obama was nominated less than two weeks after he assumed the Oval Office.  In no way is it my intention to disparage him or the award.  Still, even he was surprised at receiving it.

In the last several weeks, Israel has signed a treaty with the United Arab Emirates.  As well, Kosovo and Serbia have made economic agreements with each other, and have recognized Israel.

Today, the news reports that Bahrain has also agreed to normalize relations with Israel.

All of these events came to fruition with the help of President Trump.

President Trump was also formally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.  The cynic in me doubts that he will receive the honour.  This is not because he does not deserve it.  It is because he would be fact-checked for saying that the sky is blue.  People will vote against him just because he is President Trump.

That being said, it is absolutely clear that the nomination of President Trump is entirely appropriate.  

Mr. President, congratulations on the nomination, and more importantly on the achievements behind it.

Shabbat Shalom to all.


1 comment:

  1. He is definitely deserving of this recognition. It would not have happened without him.
