Sunday, December 22, 2019

Fake News....

Good afternoon everyone.

We have all been forced over the last couple of years to deal with the term 'fake news.' Anything the relevant parties do not wish to believe falls under that category.

Disclaimer: I read the news on Fox. Whatever else is going on in what masquerades as journalism in this day and age, at least Fox is biased towards Israel.

It was most disheartening to find significant fake news at Fox this morning. The video link is copied below.

Take note at about 26 seconds into the video. There, we see a picture of what is likely the pedestal of a hannukiyah. Next to it is a Torah scroll. What is wrong with this picture?

The Torah scroll is upside down.

I am sure that it is fake news.

Have a wonderful Hannukah everyone.



  1. Fox News is not real news anyways and even if it supports Israel is toxic. Just as Trump remains toxic despite his support of Israel.

  2. Even if we were to assume that President Trump is toxic, who do you propose as an alternative to him? I would agree that he would be much better served if he shuttered his Twitter account and hired a top-notch press secretary to remain on message on things that he has accomplished (most recently in Iran). Some of his appointees, such as the positively weird Ben Carson, should be eased out. Nevertheless, the alternative to President Trump is not an ideal Democrat from the past, such as FDR or JFK. The alternative looks to be one of four Democrats: the warmed-over leftovers of Joe Biden, the stale socialism of Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, or the not-ready-for-prime-time Peter Buttigieg. All four would implement policies far more detrimental than anything that President Trump is doing. Do you really want a President Sanders, who supports Palestinian Statehood on the 1967 borders, making policy? Mayor Buttigieg poses as a moderate, but his actual policies reveal his socialist bent. As one of my fellow firefighters noted several months ago, we always have to look at the alternatives to Trump.
