Saturday, February 8, 2014


Top of the evening everyone...

There was an article in today's National Post.  The article showed excerpts from interviews with 14 couples from across Canada on how they make their marriages work.  Some of them had been married for years.  One couple had been married for less than a week.

Here is the article: Marriage Article.

Two things struck me.  The first is that only one couple mentioned sex.  I think it is an absolutely essential ingredient to a successful marriage.  As I have mentioned in other places in this blog, it is the one entirely unique feature of marriage.  Everything else we have in our lives, we can share with other people.  Couples need to be on the same page on this matter.

The other thing that caught my eye is something I have said in my Rules of Marriage  This couple said it better.  "You can't have an exit strategy."  That is the raw meaning of commitment.  I would likely add that one should actively avoid causing one's spouse to look for an exit strategy.

Have a good night.


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