Top of the evening to all...
Of which 'he' do I speak? We will start with Jesse.
I am trying to find the weblink to the opening ceremony for Yom Sport 2013 at Ramah. There is a trumpet fanfare as part of that ceremony. Jesse composed it specifically for that occasion. Way to go Kid!!
And then there is Gavi. We told the woman who teaches ceramics at camp that we bought a couple of extra shelves for Gavi's growing collection of ceramics. She said: "you're going to need a bigger house." And that is not all.
Over the summer, people have asked me how the kids are doing. My response has consistently been "I don't care." They were at camp. If something had gone awry, the camp would have let us know.
Something went awry. We got a call this morning from the camp doctor. "Everything's fine..." Gavi and a culprit...oops...I mean friend...were out very late on the last night of camp. More accurately, they were out exceedingly early the last morning of camp. The two young gentlemen were bunk-hopping to visit someone on the girls' side of camp. While over there, Gavi managed to get clotheslined by a clothesline. It caught him at the neck and flipped him.
I spent two hours today at an emergency clinic around the corner. Gavi has a not-so-well-tempered clavicle. He fractured his left collarbone.
My darling son injured himself while involved in a little otherwise harmless mischief. He thinks it was on the camp eiruv no less.* It is really quite wonderful. The rabbis' kid injures himself on a part of the religious boundary of the camp doing something he was likely not supposed to be doing. I am so proud.
He wanted to go over to the drugstore today to get something. Jennifer appropriately told him to walk. Then she made the mistake of lying down for a nap. She heard the garage door open. Gavi rode his bicycle (one-handed) over to the drug store. Yet again, I am so proud.
At least his attempt to lie about it was not sincere.
He has just discovered that he cannot do a belly-slide down the bannister from his room.
Have a good night.
Rav Sean
*Jesse is not certain about the eiruv. He thinks it was just a clothesline.
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