Top of the evening all...
You will remember that the doctor gave me four months to get my blood pressure down to acceptable levels. After wearing a monitor for 24 hours, my average pressure was 143/94. That is stage 1 hypertension. Pre-hypertension is when the top number is between 120-139.
Over the last two months, I have been much better about exercising. I have been eating a handful of almonds daily, as well as lots of fruit. Soy-milk smoothies are enjoyable. Also, Emerald nuts makes a cocoa-covered almond. It is quite tasty. They have a brand new line coated in cinnamon. I just bought some tonight, but have not yet tasted. I have been taking 500 mg of vitamin C every day. I have been sleeping roughly seven hours a night.
The net result is that my numbers seem to be tacking towards the pre-hypertension levels. This is not a diagnosis. Rather, it is a report of progress. The doctor may well still look at it and put me on medication. This evening, I took my pressure four times. The best was 127/68. That 68 is more than 20 points below the numbers in May. All the numbers are recorded on a document. I will send it to my doctor before I meet with him in October.
I think it is the vitamin C. Jennifer thinks it is the sleep.
The challenge will be maintaining the sleep and finding the time to exercise. With children away at camp, it is easy to shut down for the night at a reasonable hour. It is easy to take time on the treadmill when one only has to clear dinner for two instead of five.
We will see what September brings.
Have a good evening all.
Keep it up. Wouldn't do for you to deploy and problems while away from home. I have heard to many guys that die young because they didn't take the time to take care of themselves. In fact, I had a Command Sergeant Major a few years back that died in the locker room at the command of a heart attack. He was in his mid 40s.