Sunday, March 6, 2022

Feeding the Hand that Bites You...

Top of the evening to all...

You are all familiar with the original idiom.  Biting the hand that feeds you reflects a basic lack of gratitude to those who would do well by you.

Feeding the hand that bites you is remarkably self-defeating.  It is the idea of giving someone the necessary means by which to visit evil on you.  It is with this thought in mind that I have virtually no clue as to the failure of both Europe and North America to stop paying for Russian oil.  Most other economic connections with Russia have been cut off, either as national policy or as individual company decisions.

Vladimir Putin is a blight on the world.  Every penny that flows into Russia exacerbates that blight.  As this conflict spirals from bad to worse, and as the world is dragged more and more into it, the countries of Europe and North America must not pay for the war efforts of an adversary.  It is sheer folly to do so.  


Thursday, March 3, 2022

When in the course of human events...

 Good afternoon to all...

The title of this blog comes from the opening words of the United States Declaration of Independence.  Most people are more familiar with "we hold these truths to be self-evident..."

The course of human events has yielded an inhuman nightmare unfolding in Ukraine.  I find myself utterly perplexed about why this is happening.  Whatever it is that is driving Vladimir Putin contains a logic that I cannot fathom, and do not wish to fathom.

Confusing this further is the age-old rule of combat: battle plan never survives first contact.  The reason is that the other side gets to have a battle plan.  As well, it is impossible to predict the intangibles - weather, mistakes, dumb luck, and a complete disconnect with the local population are all factors.  One presumes that Putin understands this.  

In any event, we are in the course of human events.  And in the midst of these events, we must not allow the events to make us inhuman.  Part of maintaining our humanity is contained in the commandment לא תעמוד על דם רעך.  Do not stand idly over the blood of your neighbour.

I understand the concerns about committing troops to any battle theatre.  What interest does anyone have in the people of another country?  As well, it opens up a whole new potential for the battle theatre to expand well beyond its current location.  

We have interest.  When people need help, we do not ask the address.  When people need help, we show up.  Basic compassion and basic honour demand no less.

I will leave it to the combatant commanders to advise on how to influence the battle theatre more aggressively.  However, it is time.  Putin will not lose on his own.


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Loyalty and Logistics...

 Top of the evening to all...

As we watch the continuing carnage in Ukraine, it is both easy and appropriate to be in awe of the resilience and toughness of the Ukrainian people.  It is also easy to wonder how the Russian military machine seems not to be able to deliver a knockout punch to a much smaller military.

Regarding the second point, please allow me to offer a couple of possibilities:

1.  If the rumours are correct, the military units are not well-trained and were not informed about the mission objectives.  Folks, the success of any operation depends on everyone knowing the plan and training for it.  This applies in the civilian world no less than in the military world.

2.  Without training and information, it is impossible to develop unit cohesion.  This will cause morale to plummet.  It will eviscerate any loyalty to those in command.

3.  Speaking of those in command, I have heard time and again that the Russian officers are downright brutal to their soldiers.  Especially when dealing with conscripts, this is a recipe for operational failure.  It leads to stories of Russian soldiers damaging the gas tanks of their vehicles.  Every military officer in the world has read Sun Tzu.  To the Russian officers, it is not enough to read Sun Tzu.  Absorbing the lessons is useful as well.

4.  Never lose sight of the importance of the SuppO, the supply officer.  Again, if the rumours are correct, the soldiers do not have enough food.  US field rations assume a calorie requirement of 3000 per day.  That is 50% more than the average for being at home.  When moving long distances while carrying heavy packs, a soldier needs more.  Yes, hunger will degrade mission capability quickly and emphatically.

May this craziness end soon.