Thursday, May 13, 2021

It Bears Repeating...

Good morning to all.

In 2014, there was a significant conflagration between Israel and the murderers hiding behind the general population in Gaza.  At that time, President Obama's press secretary made strong statements regarding Israel's right to self-defence.  

If history is not repeating itself right now, it is at least rhyming.  President Biden, the Secretary of State, and the press secretary have all echoed the Obama administration most emphatically.

Back then, I wrote the following blog entry: Provide for the Common Defence.  

The only thing that would be different between that blog entry and this one is that Rav Jen was in Israel the last time.  This time, Jesse is in Israel (please note that he is in Jerusalem, which is presently quiet).

Other than that, every word stands as is.

וישבו איש תחת גפנו ותחת תאנתו ואין מחריד

May all be able to sit under vine and fig and never be afraid.